FEEL THE DIFFERENCE at the Four Elements

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Curried Butternut Soup

This recipe is compliments of the "Gluten-Free Goddess", Karina Allrich, click on the site at the bottom of the recipe to go to her blog for more great recipes

This recipe uses butternut squash (my personal favorite among the Cucurbit family) but you could also use fresh pumpkin in the spirit of Hallow's Eve. Knock yourself out, Dollface.

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
2-3 teaspoons mild gluten-free curry powder
4 cups diced butternut squash
4 to 6 cups light vegetable broth (or fresh water)
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup or raw agave nectar, to taste
½ to 1 cup coconut milk

Heat the olive oil in a soup pot, over medium heat. Add the onion, celery and curry powder; stir and cook until the onion softens. Add the squash and broth. Cover the pot and bring to a simmer.

Simmer until the squash is very soft and fork tender- maybe 30 minutes. Add a bit more water if you need to keep the squash from sticking to the pot- I didn't need to, but, Bubbe you never know.

Puree the soup with an immersion blender till smooth. Stir in the maple syrup and coconut milk. Season with sea salt and pepper, to taste.

Warm through gently and serve.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

You Are Invited!

November is a GREAT time for a Private Quarters party - and you are invited to
 one at The Four Elements on Wednesday, November 3 at 7:00 pm.

 PQ Comfort Consultant Martha Weeks Green will be there to introduce you to "The Seven Layers of Bliss", the absolute best way to get a restful and rejuvenating sleep each and every night.
 Featherbeds that cradle your body!
Pillows that suppport your head and neck!  Silky sheets!  Toasty blankets!
 Light as a feather down comforters!  All items that work together to make your bed an oasis of peace and comfort.

 Martha will have dozens of samples for you to see, touch and even wrap yourself in. Have you ever felt bamboo towersl and sheets? How about sheets made of  seaweed that are indescribable soft to the touch?
 Serenity plush sheets are soft, warm and fuzzy.  Feel the difference between PQ 400 and 600 thread count
 sheets and the ones that are passed off in chain stores as high thread count.
 Try on a cozy Northwoods Robe and imagine how pampered you will feel when you wrap up in it on
 up in it on a cold mountain morning.  Don't forget the matching slippers because you are never warm if your
feet are cold.
 Did you know that all Private Quarters products have a 60 day "no questions asked" return policy and an
 ONE YEAR quality guarantee?  Because PQ sells only through authorized Comfort Consultants, you will be
 pleasantly surprised to see how low the prices are.
 PQ has wonderful November Guest Specials that include "Touch of Mink", Touch o'Mink Scarf, Faux Fur
throws and our our top-selling Northwoods Vest - all at 40% OFF.
 We all hope you can join us!           The Four Elements in Downtown Evergreen, 303-670-1180

Martha Green, Comfort Consultant   720-272-8249

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Benefits of Massage

Massage doesn’t just feel good, it’s good for you!  Research studies done at the University of Miami School of Medicine Touch Research Institute have documented many significant benefits of massage:
·         Alleviates pain
·         Reduces stress
·         Improves immune function
·         Facilitates healing
·         Increases job performance
Massage has been shown to have a beneficial  effect on key systems in the body, particularly the nervous system, levels of neuroendocrine substances, connective tissue, and circulation.  These directly affect our “fight or flight” stress response, and the release of important chemicals such as cortisol (also known as the stress hormone) and serotonin.  This is why massage can help us relax, improve our mood, sleep better, think more clearly, and so much more.
So, why wait to feel better?  Treat yourself to a good massage this week…you’ll be glad you did.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning, also known as dermal leveling, is a manual form of exfoliation using a sterile, surgical blade.  As barbaric as it sounds, it's actually a simple and painless skin treatment that removes the thin, top layer of dead skin cells and fine vellus hair (peach fuzz) through gentle scraping. Performed as a stand-alone treatment, it allows the smooth, underlying area of clear, undamaged skin to emerge and prevents dead cell buildup that can make small facial wrinkles, acne scars, and pores appear larger.  It is an excellent way to prep the skin before a chemical peel to ensure that the solution being used penetrates evenly into the skin.  In conjunction with microdermabrasion, it is an aggressive, yet safe, resurfacing treatment.

The Spa At Evergreen, located inside The Four Elements, offers Dermaplaning and many other skin-correcting services.. Call to schedule an appointment with Lisa at 303-670-1180.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Basics of Facials

Facials clean, exfoliate, and nourish the skin, and can treat issues such as dark patches, acne, dry skin and wrinkles. There are many types of facials and the perfect one for you depends on your skin type and the results you desire. The most common facials are:
Aromatherapy facials use essential oils.
Facial for acne use ingredients that cleanse, normalize and equalize the skin.
Dry skin benefits from hydrating facial treatments.
Anti-aging facials use vitamin C and alpha or beta hydroxy acitds to plump the skin and smooth out wrinkle's and fine lines.
Biolift facials use a biomask that targets the dark circles under the eyes by tightening and toning the skin.

For a consultation call Candice at 303-670-1180.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Working on New Classes

See full size imageThe Four Elements strive to offer the best in services to help you create a balance life and live in happiness. We are working on our upcoming class schedules.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Symptoms of Inner Peace

Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to inner peace and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world.

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past       experience.

An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.

A lost of interest in judging other people.

A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.

A loss of interest in conflict.

A loss of the ability to worry. (This is a serious symptom)

Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.

Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.

Frequent attacks of smiling.

An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.

An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to love them back.


~ Carol
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thoughts on the Intention of Yoga

“I practice now not so much with ambition as with gratitude. And I ask myself frequently, ‘How can I express kindness right now?’ whether I am in a headstand of washing dishes.” Judith Lasater

“In truth, it matters les what we do in practice than how we do it and why we do it. The same posture, the same sequence, the same meditation with a different intention takes on an entirely new meaning and will have entirely different outcomes.” Donna Farhi

“Without intention, all these postures, these breathing practices, meditations, and the like can become little more than ineffectual gestures. When animated by intention, however, the simplest movement, the briefest meditation, and the contents of one breath cycle are made potent.” Donna Farhi

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mary's Crockpot Oatmeal

Sunday mornings are always special. Here is one of my Sunday morning recipes.

8 cups of pure water
2 cups of steel-cut oats

Combine ingredients and cook in a crockpot on low for approximately six hours.

Makes 8+ servings.

This is a super easy way to prepare healthy steel-cut oatmeal.  Great for a cold winter day’s brunch -- maybe before a cross-county ski outing.  I eat mine with a large amount of cinnamon (which has many health benefits including the regulation of blood sugar; it’s also a strong antioxidant and powerful anti-inflammatory), and a sprinkling of raw almonds bits.  These act to lower the glycymic load of the oatmeal.  I also add up to three teaspoons of chia seeds, even better for you than flax seeds! 

Tip:  After the cooked oatmeal cools, put individual servings into freezer bags.  You can have prepared oatmeal quickly by reheating a portion.


Friday, October 22, 2010

The Amazing Human Body

Massage therapists are required to take anatomy and physiology courses as part of their training.  Knowledge of human anatomy is fundamental to effective bodywork, especially in therapeutic massage specialties.  The more I learn about the human body the more I appreciate how miraculous and amazing we are!  I feel reverence for every body I am honored to touch in providing the ancient art and science of manual therapy. 

I would like to share with you a few facts you may or may not already know about your amazing body.  The human body has 206 bones and 684 muscles (there are some anomalies). 

Muscle names are often daunting, and fun to say once you know how to pronounce them!  One of my favorites, sternocleidomastoid, is a very important anterior neck muscle.  Muscles are commonly named for their shape, size (i.e. maximus), the number of heads (i.e. tricep), the location, the action, the direction of the fibers, or the attachment site (i.e. sternocleidomastoid). 

Muscles can be painful or less mobile when they become tight, also known as hypertonic; or ischemic, when blood flow and oxygen are impeded and metabolic waste products are trapped; fibrotic; or, they develop trigger points.  These conditions can be addressed by therapeutic massage.

Holding us all together, literally, is fascia, connective tissue.  This can become adhered.  Myofascial release is a bodywork technique that addresses the adhesions that can restrict movement and range of motion. 

By far, one of the most amazing qualities of the human body is its innate ability to heal. Entire books have been written on this subject.  Of course, our bodies have a much better opportunity to heal if we provide adequate building blocks (a healthy diet), and don’t poison ourselves with chemicals, tobacco, food additives, etc. that interfere with the natural healing mechanisms. 

I sometimes refer to a massage as a tune-up.  Just like you take your car into a mechanic for regular maintenance, your body may need the same periodic attention to keep it operating in top condition.  You don’t have to wait for a mechanical breakdown!

Treat your amazing body with respect…Be Well!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Truth about "Chemical Peels"

Keeping the skin soft and smooth with the use of chemicals dates back to ancient Egyptian times when Cleopatra bathed in milk (lactic acid). Yet, it amazes me that the term “Chemical Peel” still sounds so foreign and scary to most people when I include it in a treatment recommendation. Everybody seems to have known a friend of a friend that had a bad experience with it.  The truth is, there are many different chemical peels on the market that are formulated for various skin conditions. They range from very mild, to medium-depth, and deep peels. The peels that I’m going to tell you about today are used to treat sun-damaged skin.
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic, lactic, or fruit acids are the mildest of the peel formulas. They are considered to be “no down-time” or ”lunchtime peels”. This is because they can be done with little skin preparation, in a short time, and require no recovery time. In most cases, the client can put makeup on immediately following the peel. In a series, these alpha-hydroxy acid peels are effective in smoothing the texture, brightening the skin, and correcting uneven pigmentation. 
Trichloroacetic acid, or TCA, is considered a medium-depth peel and can be used in many concentrations. The actual depth of this peel depends on the amount of layers used when applying it. Some skin preparation is involved prior to treatment and some down-time may be expected afterwards. Fine wrinkles, mild acne scaring, and pigmentation problems are commonly treated with TCA. My favorite use for it is treating fine lines and mild skin laxity under the eyes. It is also a tried and true way of making aged hands look younger!  
Phenol is the strongest of the chemical solutions and is considered a deep peel. Although, it has been replaced with lasers, some doctors still use it for treating course facial wrinkles and pre-cancerous lesions.  This peel does have considerable downtime and risk.
The Spa At Evergreen, located inside The Four Elements, offers these chemical peels (except Phenol).  Years of working in plastic surgery and dermatology skincare has given me the experience needed when deciding what specific chemical peel is compatible with certain skin-types. Call The Four Elements at 303-670-1180 to schedule a consultation to determine the most effective treatment and at-home regimen to improve your skin. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Skintique Products are Available at The Four Elements

The season is here when we start turning on our heaters and our skin feels dry, scaly, and dehydrated. Instead of using soap with sodium Lauryl hydrate as an ingredient, swith to using "detergent free." If you are using traditional chap stick that contains "petroleum or mineral oil" switch to vitamin E, olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, or avocado oil for the best result. Body lotions and creams with these ingredients are also recommended. Lip scrubs and body polishes are a great way to exfoliate the build up of dead skin cells to prepare for deep moisturizing. Skintique has some of the best on the market and are not only US made but are made here in our town of Evergreen!

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending

 (Quote by Maria Robinson)

Do not wait until the New Year to make resolutions and take action. The most common resolutions are, to take better care of ourselves, lose weight, eat better, and to stop feeling stressed. The Four Elements offers all the tools, services, classes and workshops to facilitate these changes. The experts at The Four Elements can design a personal package for you that incorporates, life coaching, fitness, massage, and skin care. We bring together all the elements of a balanced, healthy life in one location. Turn your resolutions into realities.
thefourelementsonline@gmail.com         303-670-1180

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hatha Yoga

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 I would like to help you understand a little about Hatha Yoga this morning.  The Sanskrit word "yoga" has been defined as the union of mind, body and spirit. The type of yoga that most Westerns are familiar with is the series of physical postures known as asanas. Asanas help to strengthen the body and to increase flexibility. This form of yoga is called Hatha yoga, but it is much more than a physical practice.  In Sanskrit the word ha means sun and the word tha means moon. And so Hatha implies the "union" of these opposites. Yoga helps to bring apparent opposites into a harmonious union, let's say a meeting in the middle. We all want to live happy, meaningful lives and yoga can help us do just that. It helps us balance the external world with our internal world - our true nature. The message of yoga is that the nature of that inner essence is happiness and bliss. The search for happiness is realized when you become connected to your inner self, in it's true perfection! Yoga creates such balance in your life that nothing in your external world can truly affect your true nature. It is such an amazing realization and something I want to share with everyone I know. If you have any questions about Hatha yoga, please feel free to e-mail me on the subject or come in for a class. Everyone is welcome, no matter what your physical capabilities are. Have a glorious day! Namaste. Stacey
thefourelementsonline@gmail.com   303-670-1180


A balanced life and a balanced business life includes the process of change and evolving. The Four Elements strives towards positive change in our spa and business. Stacey is directing the installation of  a new mirror that reflects our beautiful view of the mountain side. The Four Elements is opening its studio space for workshops and classes. For more information and hourly fees contact us at 303-670-1180. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Balanced Life

The creation of a balanced, fulfilling life is similar to building a home.  First you need a plan.  Then you must build a strong, stable foundation - this represents your physical self. From there you build a structure that sets boundaries and provides the framework through which you view the outside world - your mental self.
Next you furnish and decorate this home in such a way that you feel good when you are there and it expresses who you are - your emotional self.  Ultimately you move into your home, share it with people you love and it becomes a sanctuary in the world - your spiritual self.  As you can see, if you leave out any one of these four parts you won't have a complete home.  Likewise, if you don't pay attention to any one of these four aspects of yourself, you will feel like something is missing in your life.

We all have male and female energy.  The masculine side is expressed in the physical and mental parts of ourselves while the feminine side manifests through the emotional and spiritual parts. Male energy is active and powerful.  Female energy is receptive and is the source of our wisdom.  We need a balance between both sides to live in harmony.  When inner wisdom is guiding personal power, the ego takes a back seat and life becomes a joyful experience rather than a power struggle just to survive.

We all know what it feels like to be thrown off balance physically and how quickly you react to regain your center.  When our lives get out-of-balance it's a good idea to get centered and start creating your life from the inside out.  That's how I begin the process of lifestyle coaching.  Lifestyle is the way we live our lives and a balanced life is the foundation for health and happiness.
Live Well,  Carol

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Marika Yoga Clothing

I love the Marika line of Yoga clothing. They are comfortable and functional, moving with the body. Another added feature is the fabric wicks away moisture. I also selected this line for quality, style, and price point.
 Four Elements is located in downtown Evergreen, Colorado, behind the Timberline Art Gallery.
 303-670-1180  We Ship!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”  Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)

Last week I found myself unexpectedly spending long hours over several days at my mother’s bedside in the hospital.  As we waited for test results, and waited, and waited, I had a lot of time to think about the choices we are each confronted with every day that directly affect our health and well-being: what we eat; how we manage our stress; if we make time to exercise and to relax.  Our choices set us on a path that either invites health or threatens our health.  Even recent research indicates that our lifestyle choices have a greater impact on our health than our genetics!  Check out the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) website for data demonstrating that the chronic diseases that kill the most Americans every year are largely preventable with diet and lifestyle/behaviors.

A wise person once said that you can make time to take care of yourself, or you will find yourself making time for illness.  It’s not necessarily simple or easy.  It takes time and effort.  But aren’t you worth it? 

So, what will you do today for your well-being?  You have countless opportunities and choices.  Will you prepare a homemade meal?  Will you take a walk and breathe deeply?  Will you put a yoga class on your schedule?  Will you make an appointment for a massage?  Be good to yourself and choose wisely.

My “aha” moment last week was the realization that health is a gift and a blessing that we should appreciate, and fiercely protect.

“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos – the trees, the clouds, everything.”  Thich Nhat Hanh

Be well!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Now is the Perfect Time for a Downtime Peel!

Downtime peels are safe and very effective for removing hyperpigmentation, brightening the skin, acne scar removal, and reversing sun damaged skin.  Now is the perfect time, before ski season.
The results are amazing!
Call Candice with Skintique at The Four Elements for a free consultation at 303-588-9259

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Microdermabrasion 101

The first step in any skin-correcting regimen is exfoliation, and microdermabrasion is one of the most effective forms of exfoliation. Think of it as sanding your kitchen cabinets before you paint them. You must start with a smooth, clean surface. If your skin has months, or even just a few weeks of dead-cell buildup, no amount of products or nutrients will penetrate past that level to be absorbed and do it’s job.
Microdermabrasion is a mechanical exfoliation in which crystals or a diamond-tipped wand is used to remove the top layer to reveal younger, refreshed skin. Crystal microdermabrasion uses tiny sand-like particles (aluminum oxide) that sprays across the face to lightly abrade the skin. Diamond microdermabrasion uses a rough-tipped wand to achieve the same outcome. Both methods are followed by a vacuum or suction to remove the debris from the area that has been treated.
This popular technique has been used for many years to help repair skin on the face, neck, chest, or hands that has taken a beating from the sun and the effects of aging by reducing or removing fine wrinkles and unwanted pigmentation. The appearance of enlarged pores and scars are even lessened over time. Multiple treatments are recommended for skin correction, however, you will see and feel improvement after just one treatment. It is an excellent way to quickly freshen the skin for a special occasion such as a reunion, party, or family photos. It can be done on most skin-types and only takes about 30 minutes. And the best part is that there is no downtime!
The Spa At Evergreen, inside The Four Elements offers crystal-free microdermabrasion using medical-grade Diamond Microdermabrasion technology. This fabulous treatment can be used as a stand-alone service for exfoliation or combined with other treatments such as facials, ultrasound, or chemical peels for ultimate anti-age benefits.    
Contact me at The Four Elements at 303-670-1180 and schedule an appointment for a FREE microdermabrasion treatment! Appointments are limited, so hurry! Some restrictions apply. See you soon, Lisa
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Aromatherapy Massage

Istock - Istock
Aromatherapy Massage is slow and gentle, with rhythmic movements helping muscles melt into deep relaxation. Massage relaxes, balances and harmonizes the body, reducing stress. Each essential oil is chemically complex and have their own unique therapeutic qualities. I use the purest essential plant oils, each has its own life force containing both medicinal and aromatic characteristics.
Rejuvenate and relax the body, mind and spirit.  Mary 
The Four Elements, Evergreen, Colorado 303-670-1180

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Power of Music

Music is a very important part of my life and I like using music during my classes. It can help energize a person during a challenging workout or help sooth the nervous system for deep relaxation.

I believe music can be a very valuable tool when doing yoga. One of my favorite cd's to play for shavasana, the relaxation pose done after yoga, is a recording of the Dali Lama chanting a mantra. The definition of mantra from Wikipedia is; a sound, syllable or a group of words that are considered capable of "creating transformation".  I was given the cd when I was going to Red Rocks to be certified as Holistic Health Practitioner. The Dali Lama, was at first, resistant to his students request to have the chant recorded, but he finally relented with the stipulation that the cd be distributed, free of charge, to anyone who wanted it. It has been circulating now for some time. 

 I have been fortunate  to have seen the Dali Lama in person a few years ago in Red Feathers Lakes, Colorado. I was awed by the joyous energy that permeates from him, he has the best sence of humor, and is usually smiling. He also possesses a clear deep baritone voice. His chanting is truly beautiful and mesmerizing and you can hear him smiling as he sings. I think it's wonderful.
The chant is an ancient mantra from the Rig Veda ( a sacred collection of Indian hymns) "Maha Mrityunjaya" mantra and was recorded by one of the Dali Lama's disciples.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra translation:

I meditate on and surrender myself to the Divine Being who embodies the power of will, the power of knowledge and the power of action. I pray to the Divine Being who manifests in the form of Fragrance of Life and is the eternal Nourisher of the Plant of Life. Like a skillful gardener, may the Lord of immortality residing within me free me from death, decay and sickness and unite me with immortality.

Explanation: This is a healing and nourishing mantra and is, in a sense, the "Heart Veda". The healing force awakened by the mantra sends forth its ripples from the body to the psyche and from the psyche to the soul. It strengthens our powers of will, knowledge and action, thus unblocking the flow of enthusiasm, courage and determination. The vibration of the mantra awakens the internal healing force while attracting nature's healing agents, creating an environment where the forces of both origins converge. This mantra connects us with the healer within and helps us receive the full nourishment from foods, herbs and any discipline undertaken for our total well-being. It is very beautiful and very powerful.

Stop by The Four Elements and pick up your free copy of this cd!  303-670-1180

Namaste!    Stacey

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Ego and the Soul

Your ego has a reaction to everything that happens in your life based on fear, limiting beliefs, judgments and never having enough.  It keeps busy playing the role of either victim or victimizer, attacking and defending from a position of wanting to be right and making others wrong.  Once you identify that your ego is reacting out of fear you have the opportunity to respond with love from your soul.

Your soul has a response to what happens that is coming from love, acceptance, gratitude and trust.  The challenge you face is that when your soul is being dominated by your ego it rarely gets the chance to respond.  You will be releasing the control of your ego every time you switch over to your soul's response.  Most of us are so programmed and conditioned to have an ego reaction that we rarely stop to consider there may be another choice.  Once the ego is busted you can love and appreciate it for helping you awaken your soul.

In this ego-driven world it would be difficult to survive without your ego. However, that doesn't mean that it has to control your thoughts, words and actions.  Once your soul is awakened it can guide and direct your ego in a new way of living.  Your soul is here in the physical world with the ego as its' companion to help the soul learn unconditional love.  The ego is all about conditions, attachments, and expectations when it comes to love and is showing us that we have a choice.  Without the choice, there would be no growth.  Every time your ego reacts out of fear you soul can be right there to respond from love.

"Fear Knocked on the door, love answered and no one was there."
Love and Light, Carol.
www.thefourelementsonline.com  303-670-1180

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Body Balance

 I have always had a healthy lifestyle and diet, when I began to have stomach issues two years ago I was baffled. I sought traditional methods of solving the problems and took the prescribed medication with no positive results. Of course they wanted to do more tests. A friend suggested Body Balance. It sounded too simple. But, it was just that simple. Body Balance not only restored my health, it put my whole body back into balance and I began losing weight. This is a great product and I highly recommend it to everyone. Please call me for more information. 303-670-1180 Candice.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Line of Yoga Clothes

We added a new line of yoga clothing that offers the ultimate in comfort and flexibility and is pretty enough to wear while running errands and shopping.

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Favorite Balsamic Salad Dressing

5 Tablespoons first cold pressed olive oil
2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 Teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 Teaspoon agave (natural, low-glycemic sweetener)

I have a jar of this homemade salad dressing in my refrigerator at all times. I like to make my own, it takes almost no time, and I can use the highest quality, pure ingredients.  Agave is now widely available in most supermarkets or can be found in health food stores.  It's easy to double the recipe to have enough for an entire week.

I try to have a green salad every day. I change what I put in it, but often have a favorite salad for a while.  Right now I'm really enjoying WATERCRESS.  It's incredibly nutritious (it belongs to the cruciferous family of vegetables like broccoli and kale) and is kept live, roots and all, until you use it.  Watercress is particularly rich in iron, calcium, potassium and vitamin C.  It has a long history of use for health, stamina, and in herbal medicine, especially for detoxification.  Reportedly Native Americans used watercress as a tonic for improved liver and kidney function.  I really like the spicy flavor, although I do tend to mix it in with other greens,  I usually throw a small amount of raw pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds into my salad for protein and crunch,  I also use a carrot peeler to add some pretty and tasty carrots ribbons.

Eat Healthy and Enjoy!!!   Mary

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sun Damaged Skin

Now that the season is changing and we are no longer competing for the title of Sun Goddess, our skin is going through a transitional period.  We ended the summer with a healthy, sun kissed glow. Now we are in the blotchy, dull phase, where the weather is changing everyday and our skin is trying to adjust.  Before you know it, we will be in the dry, uncomfortable phase of winter, where we will reach for anything to slather on our skin for comfort and relief.  And during that transitional period, we often forget that the damage we did to our skin over summer could take months or even a few years to show.  Luckily most of the damage can be corrected before it ever surfaces.

Exfoliating the skin by mirodermabrasion or chemical peels is an excellent way to begin the process of repair.  More extreme treatments include laser procedures and use of topical prescriptions.  Following one of these professional services with the proper at home product regimen is essential to not only boosting the effectiveness of the treatments, but also to help maintain the results.  They go hand in hand, like diet and exercise.  Of course, prevention is the best medicine. So regardless of the season always wear an SPF.

In my next blog I will begin in-depth discussions of these professional services and their benefits, starting with microdermabrasion.

Have a blessed week.     Lisa Cave

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Thoughts on Doing Business in Evergreen

Operating a business in a small town is very personal and personable. There is an agreed upon obligation to provide the client and customer with quality and  the highest possible standard of service. The businesses do not operate from competition but from the concept of balance. Each business has their own unique merchandise and services, this is achieved through communication with their business neighbors/friends. The businesses are owner managed and operated on a daily basis, and if you do happen to find a "non-owner" behind the counter, she's likely the owner's sister, daughter, or best friend. We enjoyed good food and great conversation with some of our business neighbors and friends.
( Kristin Witt, author of String the Dark Pearl, her sister, LaRae, jewelry, Michelle, Bella Vita, fine linens, soaps, etc. Alex Witt, Xandre Press, and Mary Kelly, physical therapist, Dana Dalvit, EV Architects,
Veronica and Beverly, V's Village Casual. )
We say we chose Evergreen, but Evergreen actually chose us. We know we are blessed to be part of this community. Carol & Candice

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gluten-free Double Almond Chocolate Chip Cookie

Many people are not aware they are gluten intolerant. They are looking for the common symptoms of gluten intolerance: diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain and flatulence. Symptoms that are not commonly associated with gluten intolerance are anemia, osteoporosis, weight loss or weight gain, fatigue, joint pain and depression. Dermatitis herpetiformis, a skin rash, is often linked to gluten intolerance. Make a daily list of everything you consume that contains gluten: breads, muffins, tortillas, cereals, cookies, cakes, pasta to name a few. Pay attention to labels, gluten can be found in unexpected products like salad dressing, soy sauce and "caramel color." Eliminate these food products from your diet for two weeks with awareness of the changes in body and mood. Going gluten free does not mean you have to give up cookies and cakes, this is a delicious cookie that everyone will love.
Double Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies
2  1/2 cups almond flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup grapeseed oil
1/2 cup agave nectar
1 tablespoon vanilla
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup sliced almonds
In a large bowl, combine almond flour, salt and baking soda.  In a medium bowl combine grapeseed oil, agave and vanilla.  Stir wet ingredients into the almond flour mixture until thoroughly combined.  Fold in chocolate chips and almond slices.
Spoon dough 1 heaping tablespoon at a time onto a parchment lined baking sheet, pressing down with palm of your hand to flatten. Bake for 7 to 10 minutes (350 degrees) until lightly golden. Cool on the baking sheet for 20 minutes.

This is one of my favorite recipes from Elana Amsterdam's cookbook, The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook. Stacey

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pay Attention

I created the Satori program in 1989 as a means to find balance and joy. I had fallen out of balance by being so focused on my physical fitness that my mental, emotional and spiritually development was not receiving the same degree of attention. Using time-honored healing techniques, combined with my own intuition and spiritual guidance, I put together sixteen components that gave a sense of peace and harmony that I had never experienced before.  By simply following the program I had created for myself, I felt miraculously good on every level.  Mentally, I was focused on what I wanted to create, physically I felt energized, emotionally I became more loving and compassionate and spiritually I felt connected to divine inspiration and guidance.
It soon became clear I needed to share what I had discovered with others.  If it worked so well for me, I knew it could help others too.  Part of the process of Satori is asking yourself upon awakening every morning "how can I serve?"  The answer I received then was, "teach your program to corporations."  At first I was nervous.  I had never spoken to large groups of people before and this was what I was being asked to do.  But, I pushed forward, knowing there was no turning back and started Satori Hawaii, a corporate fitness company.  I had accessed the highest part of myself through Satori and I needed to honor it.  Within months of getting my direction, I became a guest speaker for a major corporation at a luxury resort in Hawaii and it wasn't long before I found myself speaking in front of one large audience after another of high level, high-stressed executives, teaching them the Satori program, Energetics, to reduce stress and increase energy.

I've learned that paying attention to the messages life is delivering greatly reduces unnecessary stress.  My wake-up call was  tennis injury where I stepped back on top of a tennis ball, sprained my ankle and fell on my butt.  I decided that the message was about imbalance and looked at my life to see where that showed up.  Sure enough, once I paid attention I could see that all the emphasis on physical fitness, both personally and professionally, had created an imbalance.  By developing a program, initially for myself, I've been able to help thousands of people live their lives with less stress, more energy and greater peace of mind.

I offer a free lifestyle assessment at: http://www.destinationsatori.com/ under the heading of coaching.  Along with that I provide a complimentary session either in person at The Four Elements or by phone.  What I know for sure is that paying attention can change your life!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thank you Carol.

I would like to thank The Four Elements and Carol Gutzeit for allowing me to post to their beautiful new blog. I accepted Carol's invitation to a complimentary Satori Lifestyle Coaching session. During my day I hear countless stories from friends about the effect the economy is having on their lifestyle and relationships. They are struggling to redefine who they are and feel they are being forced into recreating their lives. They have no tools to help make this transition smoothly. As career opportunities disappear they feel they have no direction and their relationships are crumbling under the stress. I always suggest they go to a Life Coach.  It was my belief that a life coach advised people on the direction to take at the current point in their life. Destination Satori is so much more than that. And, Carol is so much more than a Life Coach, she is the creator and founder of Distination Satori, dedicated "to provide the knowledge and training necessary to live life fully engaged on an individual, group and corporate level." I do not want to write about what Satori offers, you can get all that information on the website http://www.destinationsatori.com/ .
I want to write about the results. I want to tell you how one session opened me up to the areas I needed to focus upon, the tools I would need to live a balanced life, and the possibilities of what that life is like. Living life without panic, without reacting not acting, living a more productive life. I also realized this would open the doors to more prosperity and happiness. My dear friends, please stop the pattern of fear and panic, give yourself a break - take a deep breath and accept Carol's invitation for a complimentary consultation.(and get a good night's sleep)  303-670-1180

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Recipes and Food Tips

What we put into our bodies determines our health, energy level, and quality of life. I cannot emphasis enough the importance of good nutrition. I believe in shopping with awareness and consciousness. Over the years I have developed healthy and delicious recipes for my family. I am looking forward to sharing my recipes with you.