FEEL THE DIFFERENCE at the Four Elements

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Does a Body Good

There are times when we all feel a little bit slow and tired.  This is normal but also a sign.  A sign that something isn't quite right. 
For many of us our days are spent working and getting the kids off to school.  Maybe your day is spent getting little odds and ends wrapped up.  Whatever your day is filled with, there comes a time when you need to unwind and give your body an opportunity to heal.  Our bodies are meant to be in motion.  They are made to move, work, stretch, rest, and relax.  We ask a lot of our bodies on a daily basis and sometimes we need to let it re-energize.  I have three great ways for you to re-charge
1.) drink water.  Our bodies are nearly 70% water and we need water to survive.  Water cleanses our cells and purifies our system.  It can flush out toxins and waste products that build up as a result of stress.  
2.) Stretch.  Our bodies can get tightly wound and our muscles need a chance to breathe.  Take 15 minutes and stretch, this also releases toxins and allows your body to get back in balance.
3.) Breathe deeply, exhale completely.  Much of the time our lungs are not filled nor emptied completely.  That leaves unclean air in our system.  Take a deep breath, hold it for three seconds, and exhale until you can't go any farther.
These three things are sure to clean and rejuvenate even the most tired body!   

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Friends Forever

It is Christmas Past and the ticking clock serves as a reminder that we have been remiss.  We have neglected ourselves for the sake of wrapping one last gift, and baking yet another cookie, and it simply can't go on.  Wave goodbye to the next of kin, stack the reports in tomorrow's basket, sell the children to a passing caravan and come back to the center of the you that has been buried all of these weeks.  It is time to coax the concern out of the brow line, exfoliate away the wrinkles, stretch away the stress, make a plan for taking less steps to get “there” and let the world revolve, if only for an afternoon, without our personal assistance. It will continue to turn despite our conviction that it all starts and ends at our doorstep.  We can take a day off to breathe, to laugh, to saturate our souls with nourishment, and when we come back to what we deem to be reality, we might be surprised at what we find, for standing there refreshed and renewed will be someone we haven't seen a long time.  It will be the best friend we have ever known, and when we see her, we must greet ourselves with a kiss!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Good Vibes

Have you noticed how good you feel during the holidays? With everyone focused on giving and expressing love to one another we are generating our highest vibration – love and gratitude. Let’s all make one New Year’s resolution together and decide to keep the good vibes going throughout 2011. Then notice how your good vibrations attract what you associate with feeling good.

May you have a healthy and happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Friends Forever

A friend is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
And they may not end up together,
the memories of a true friendship will
last forever.
A friend is not a shadow nor a servant
But someone who hold
a piece of a person in his heart.
Someone who shares a smile,
Someone who brightens up your day
What makes a person a friend?
Is by saying your Love will stay.

- Renee donna Bufete

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

~Breaths You Take~

Breathe.  Let go.  And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.  ~Oprah Winfrey

I came across this quote this afternoon.  It stopped me for a second and I had to think.  Today is a Monday and Monday’s are always hectic.  We are always trying to catchup from the weekend and sometimes it just makes my head spin!  I don’t like it that I spend the good part of every Monday chasing my tail and failing to enjoy the world around me, espassialy this time of year.  I want to have a chance to enjoy the holidays and spent time just living in the magic of Christmas. 
I think that many of us business owners forget to take a second to just take a deep breath but, at least for me, those deep breaths are what keep me alive- litterally.  I need those few seconds to regroup and unwind.  Those deep breaths clear me head and energize me to keep going.  This time of year the breaths are full of cookie baking, pine trees, and hot apple cider.  We have to take the time to “Breathe” those things in and “Breathe” in the moments we have because the breath we have now is the only one we can say we have for sure. 
To me a breath can be as simple as actually taking a deep breath but is can also be having coffee with my mom or stepping away from the computer to take a phone call from my dad.  It can be coloring with my 6-year-old cousin or playing a hockey game on the lake.  Some breaths may mean more than others but each one is important so, I challenge you to take more ”Breaths” this week.  Seeing that Christmas Eve is Friday and Christmas Day is Saturday, I challenge you to do one thing every day this week that makes the day, the season, or this Christmas your most memorable yet.  I will do that same and tell you what “Breaths” I take this week.
found at: http://xandrepress.wordpress.com/ 

Monday, December 20, 2010


There is magic in each moment that need not be explained.
With awareness from the soul, these moments are retained.

Through the miracle of birth, we’re blessed with senses that delight . . .
taste, touch, smell, sound and our precious gift of sight.

When we come to our senses we hold the magic of living.
It is an eternal gift to ourselves that keeps on giving.

            Feel the wind dancing lightly in your hair,
            gentle rays of sunshine warming skin so bare.

            See the children playing, laughing through it all,
            chasing wings of butterflies, catching leaves that fall.

            Hear the music deep within you, with every fiber of your being.
            Create a fantasy of images from the sounds that you are seeing.

            Breathe in the fragrant gift from the flowers and the trees.
            Taste the sweet, pure honey from the magic of the bees.

There is a time for receiving as there is a time for giving.
Celebrate each moment . . . experience the magic of living!

~ Carol Gutzeit