FEEL THE DIFFERENCE at the Four Elements

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanks and Giving

In this country, we devote one day a year to being grateful. We call it Thanksgiving. Why not devote a day each week to gratitude? It could be Sunday, or any day you choose to focus on strengthening this particular spiritual muscle. Give the day a theme like, "I am grateful for my body." Spend the day pampering your body with a leisurely walk in nature, enjoying delicious meals, listening to your favorite music, getting a massage, practicing yoga, buying fresh flowers, relaxing in a bath by candlelight, or any activity or non-activity that will make your body feel appreciated. You will find appreciation so uplifting you may want to make it the theme of every day of your life.

Expressing gratitude is not just saying thank you, it's giving back—to your family, friends, community and the world. It is the attitude that leads to unconditional love.  What you focus on expands. If you focus on what you're grateful for every day, you will see more of that in your life. Express gratitude for whatever you feel thankful for in each moment. There is always so much to be grateful for, even when everything isn't the way that you would like it to be. Simply by shifting your focus to being grateful is always a good way to be at peace in the present moment and feel good.
Happy Thanksgiving!
~  Carol

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