Your ego has a reaction to everything that happens in your life based on fear, limiting beliefs, judgments and never having enough. It keeps busy playing the role of either victim or victimizer, attacking and defending from a position of wanting to be right and making others wrong. Once you identify that your ego is reacting out of fear you have the opportunity to respond with love from your soul.
Your soul has a response to what happens that is coming from love, acceptance, gratitude and trust. The challenge you face is that when your soul is being dominated by your ego it rarely gets the chance to respond. You will be releasing the control of your ego every time you switch over to your soul's response. Most of us are so programmed and conditioned to have an ego reaction that we rarely stop to consider there may be another choice. Once the ego is busted you can love and appreciate it for helping you awaken your soul.
In this ego-driven world it would be difficult to survive without your ego. However, that doesn't mean that it has to control your thoughts, words and actions. Once your soul is awakened it can guide and direct your ego in a new way of living. Your soul is here in the physical world with the ego as its' companion to help the soul learn unconditional love. The ego is all about conditions, attachments, and expectations when it comes to love and is showing us that we have a choice. Without the choice, there would be no growth. Every time your ego reacts out of fear you soul can be right there to respond from love.
"Fear Knocked on the door, love answered and no one was there."
Love and Light, Carol. 303-670-1180
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